SANKALPA place three blades kusa grass, sesamum, flowers, and banana in copper vessel. Stone, clay, conch, silver and bell metal are asuci. Fill the vessel with water face north and say:
Sri govinda sri govinda sri govinda
om vishnu om tat sat
adya brahmano dvitiya parardhe
sveta varaha kalpe, vaivasvatakhya manvantare
asta-vimsati kali yugasya prathama sandhyayam
brahma vimsatau vartamanayam
..........……………………….… samvatsare (year)
............................…………..…. ayane (dakshinayane or uttarayane - course of the sun)
............................…………...…rtau (season)
....………………………..….... mase (month)
......….................………….......pakse (fortnight)
..........................…………..…. rasi sthite bhaskare (sun sign)
......….................…………...... tithau (lunar day)
......….................………..........varanvitayam (day of the week)
....………………………….... nakshatra samyutayam (constellation)
jambudvipe bharata khande
medhi bhutasya sumeroh daksine
lavan arna vasyottare kone
gangayah paschime bhage
sri saligrama sila go brahmana vaishnava vahni sannidhau
acyuta gotrah.......................................................................dasa
sri krsna prityarthah......................................................karmaham karisyami ( or karisye for self).
Throw some of the water to the N.E. direction, turn vessel up side down, place gandah and puspah on it.
Chant sankalpa sutra
Yaj Jagrato Duram Udaiti
Daivam Tad U Suptasya Tathai Vaithi
Durangamam Jyotisam Jyotirekam
Tan Me Manah Siva Sankalpam Astu
Swastika, offering respects to the dik palikas, who look after the directions.
om etan mahaprasada naivedyadi
East...........purvasyam sri naradaya svaha
S.E............agneyam sri kapiladevaya svaha
S...............yamye sri yamabhagavataya svaha
S.W..........nairrtyam sri bhismadevaya svaha
W.............praticyam sri sukadevaya svaha
N.W.........vayavyam sri janakarajaya svaha
N..............udicyam sri sadasivaya svaha
N.E...........aisanyam sri prahladaya svaha
Up.............urdhvam sri brahmane svaha
Down.........adhah sri bali-daitya-rajaya svaha
Harih om
saha na vavatu / saha nau bhunaktu /
saha viryankaravavahai / tejasvi navadhitamastu /
mavidvi sa vahai /
May He, Lord Sri Krishna protect us all together; may He nourish us all together; may we work conjointly with great energy, and enthusiasm together; may our realizations be vigorous and effective; may there not be any dispute between any of us (nor may we not hate anyone inside or outside of this assembly). Let there be peace, and peace, and peace in all assembled here, in our temple environment and in the forces that act upon us. (Maha-Narayanopanisad & Swetasvara Upanishad invocation verse)
om shanti shanti shantih.
from sweteshwar upanishad.
om dhyauh shanti
urvantariksham shanti
prithivis shanti
apaha shanti
vayuh shanti
tejah shanti
oshadhayah shanti
loka shanti
brahmana shanti
vaishnava shanti
shanti astu dhrtir astu, om shanti shanti shantih
harih om
om jaya sri krsna caitanya
prabhu nityananda
sri advaita gadadhara
srivasadi gaura-bhakta vrnda
hare krsna hare krsna
krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama
rama rama hare hare
om apagacchantu te bhuta
ye bhuta bhuvisamsthitah
ye bhuta vijna kartaya
tve gacchan tvagyaya hare
"May all inauspicious subtle beings that may obstruct our service be gone by the order of the Lord."
PUNYAVACANA / SWASTI VACHANA (invoking auspiciousness)
Priest will say:
om asya karmanah punyaham bhavanto bruvantu
Let there be good fortune in this ceremony we are about to perform.
Three (or the rest) brahmanas should throw akshata or flower petals from their right hands saying:
om punyaham om punyaham om punyaham
Priest says:
om asya karmanah svasti bhavanto bruvantu ayusmate svasti
Let there be all prosperity in this ceremony we are about to perform.
Three (or the rest) brahmanas should throw akshata or flower petals from their right hands saying:
om svasti om svasti om svasti
Priest says:
om asya karmano rddhim bhavanto bruvantu
Let there be great praise in this ceremony we are about to perform.
Three (or the rest) brahmanas should throw akshata or flower petals from their right hands saying:
om rdhyatam om rdhyatam om rdhyatam
om svasti no govindah
svasti no acyutanantau
svasti no vasudevo visnur dadhatu
svasti no narayana naro vai
svasti na padmanabha purusottama dadhatu
svasti no visvakseno visvaresvarah
svasti no hrsikeso harir dadhatu
svasti no vainateyo harih
svasti no anjana suto hanur bhagavato dadhatu
svasti svasti sumangalaih keso mahan
sri krsna sac-cid ananda ganah sarvesvaresvaro dadhatu
jaya sri krsna caitanya
prabhu nityananda
sri advaita gadadhara
srivasadi gaura-bhakta vrnda
hare krsna hare krsna
krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama
rama rama hare hare
Om yasya dvirata vaktradya
parisadya parasatam
vighnan nighnanti satatam
vishvakshenam samashraye
"Before beginning this work, I take refuge of the plenary portion of the Personality of Godhead, Lord Vishvaksena, the elephant faced one, the leader of the assembly. It is He who constantly destroys all obstacles."
Sudarshan Avahan – invoking Sudarshan into the Kalasha waters
With thread joining the container where the waters are in, with Kurcha of kusha grass inside those waters to infuse it with charge linked to the Yajna kund and Sudarshan chakra to be installed.
Sankalpa - Declaration of what the purpose is i.e. Avahan, installation of Sudarshan.
Harih om tat sat
Sri Govinda Sri Govinda Sri Govinda
Shubhe Shobane muhurte bhagavat ajnaya bhagavat kainkarye
baddha nivrrti purvakam
sarva arishta shanti arthagm
bhagavad bhakti abhi vrdhi artham
adya sudarshan avahan puja tathaa homagm aham karishyami
Anga Nyasam
Purificatory preparation of priest for calling Lord Sudarshan, by Bhuta Suddhi, pranayama, and nyasa.
The invocation is done by first performing nyasa on your own body and then holding flower while doing visualisation of chakra-deity - reciting dhyana slokam is helpfull to get the visualisation going. Then the Lord is transferred from your mind into the water displaying the mudras and reciting mula-mantra and dropping the flower into the waters.
Remembering the personal attributes of Lord Sudarshan.
Has 1000's of arms each having divine weapons, firey like the sun, protector of the devotees etc.
shankham chakram cha chapam parashum asi mishum shula paasham kushams ca
bibhraanam vajra ketagm hala musula gadaa kuntagm atyugram dagmshthram
jvaalaa keshagm trinetragm jvaladanala nibhagm haara keyura bhusham
dhyaayet shatkona sagmsthagm sakal ripu kula prana samhara chakram
om sahasraara hum phat sudarshanam dhyaayaami
“I visualize Sudarshana the eliminator of all hostile forces, located within the six-cornered star, bearing the conch, discus, bow, axe, sword, trident, noose, goad, the diamond-shield, plough, kudgel, mace, spear, with aweful sharp fangs, with blazing halo, three eyes, the intensity of a raging inferno, adorned with garlands and anklets.”
Karake Sudarshan aavaahanam
Invoke Lord Sudarshan into the waters using the kusha grass Kurcha - wand.
om namo bhagavate sudarshanaya aagaccha aagaccha (times three).
Pancagavya. gomutra, om visnave namah
gomaye, om brahmane namah
ksire, om acyutaya namah
dadhni, om sukraya namah
ghrte, om krsnaya namah
kusodake, om savitre namah
Invoke the following Deities into each of the pots.
Prepare Pancamrta:
Curd. om namo bhagavate visnave agacchagaccha
Milk om namo bhagavate madhusudanaya agacchagaccha
Honey. om namo bhagavate trivikramaya agacchagaccha
Sugar. om namo bhagavate vamanaya agacchagaccha
Ghee. om namo bhagavate vasudevaya agacchagaccha
Touch the Deities with the Kurcha and invoke the life airs to be present.
Srim Klim Radha Krsnabhyam namah avahami, sthapahami, pujahami.
om Sri Govindaya nama ihagaccha
param shaktiman vighrahaya tvam Sri Krishnaya namasi
om Srimati Radhikaya nama ihagaccha
subha shakti vighrahaya tvam Radhikaya namasi
om pranaya svaha om pranaya nama Heart (breath out - digest)
om apanaya svaha om apanaya nama Posterior ( breath in - removal of waste)
om samanaya svaha om samanaya nama Navel (distributes fluid to body parts)
om udanaya svaha om udanaya nama Throat (separates water from solids)
om vyanaya svaha om vyanaya nama All limbs (stretching moving)
om nagaya svaha om nagaya nama Heart ( burping)
om kurmaya svaha om kurmaya nama ( blinking )
om krkalaya svaha om krkalaya nama ( sneezing )
om kesaraya svaha om kesaraya nama ( relaxing, yawning )
om dhananjayaya om dhananjayaya nama ( keeps healthy )
klim hrdaye namah to the heart
krsnaya sirase swaha to the head
govindaya sikahe swaha to the sikha
gopijana kavachaham accross chest
vallabhaya netraya vausat to eyes
ham astraya phat around His body
Srim hrdaye namah to the heart
Radhikaya sirase swah to the head
Moha mohini sikahe swaha to region of top knot
Rasabihari kavachaham across chest
Guna yava dhamini netraya vausat to eyes
ham astraya phat around Her body
Idam Asanam Srim Klim Radha Krsnabhyam Namah Asanam Samarpayami, Warn And Place On Bathing Asana.
Prabhu Krpaya Swagatam Kuru Srim Klim Radha Krsnabhyam Namah Swagatam Samarpayami
Etat Padyam Srim Klim Radha Krsnabhyam Namah Padyam Samarpayami
Idam Acamaniyam Srim Klim Radha Krsnabhyam Namah Acamaniyam Samarpayami
Esa Madhuparka Srim Klim Radha Krsnabhyam Namah Madhuparka Samarpayami
Idam Acamaniyam Srim Klim Radha Krsnabhyam Namah Acamaniyam Samarpayami
Idam Sugandam Tailam Srim Klim Radha Krsnabhyam Namah Sugandam Samarpayami
take one gold cup with honey in it , and one silver cup with ghee in it, place a silver skewer in each cup, cover with a new cloth, sprinkle with punyah water.
sankalpa: om evam purvokta guna visesana visisthayam
asya subha tithau bhagavad ajnaya
bhagavad kainkarya rupena asmin pratisthakarmani
adhyaham netronmilanam karisye
Purify honey:
madhuvata rtayate madhu ksaranti sindhvah, madhvir nassantvosadhih.
madhunaktam utosasi madhumat parthivagam rajah, madhudyaur astu nah pita.
madhumanno vanaspatir madhumagam astu suryah, madhvir gavo bhavantu.
madhu madhu madhu.
Right Eye of Krishna, then Radha:
Take the salakaya and dip it in the honey with the mantra:
citram devanam udagadanikam caksur mitrasya varunasyagne
apradyava prithivi antariksagam surya atma jagatasthusas ca
and draw it across the right eye.
Left eye of Krishna then Radha:
Sanctify the ghee and follow the same proceedure with the left eye.
tac caksur devahitam purasta chukram uccarat, pasyema saradah satam.
jivema saradas sata, nandama saradas satam, modama saradas satam,
bhavama saradas satam, srnavama saradas satam, prabravama saradas satam,
ajitah syama saradas satamjyok ca suryam drse
Esa Gandah Srim Klim Radha Krsnabhyam Namah Gandah Samarpayami
Idam Sugandam Pushpam Srim Klim Radha Krsnabhyam Namah Sugandam Pushpam Samarpayami
Esa Dhupa Srim Klim Radha Krsnabhyam Namah Dhupa Samarpayami
Esa Dipah Srim Klim Radha Krsnabhyam Namah Dipah Samarpayami
Idam Naivedyam Srim Klim Radha Krsnabhyam Namah Naivedyam Samarpayami
Sodasa upachar seva pujan – offer aradhanam of 16 items
Asan suddhi – offer seat:
idam Asanam asanam samarpayami
Swagatam Greetings – greeting with anjali mudra:
swagatam tu swagatam te - swagatam kuru samArpayAmi
Padyam – offering to Lord’s feet - footwash:
etat pAdyam - pAdyam samArpayAmi
Sugandham Tailam – anointing with oils:
idam sugandam tailam - sugandam tailam samArpayAmi
Snaniyam - bathing:
idam snaniyam - snaniyam samArpayAmi
phala malyam – fruit garlands (grapes, mandarins, dried fruits)
idam phala-malyam – phal malyam samArpayAmi
….bathe Deities with Pancha-gavyam
cow urine, cow dung and ghee (these in small proportion), cow milk and yogurt.
….bathe Deities with Panchamrita
milk – yogurt – ghee – honey - sugar
….bathe Deities with Juices
(was orange, apple, dark grape, cranberry, pineapple on day)
….bathe Deities with Seeds of herbs – Sarvaushadhi-snana (sahasra dhar)
fennel, anise, caraway, cardamom, cloves
…..bathe Deities with MANgala-snana (sahasra dhar)
bathe the Lord in water mixed with auspicious things,
such as jasmine flowers, durva grass, and darbha grass
….bathe the Deities with Astaka-bija-snana (sahasra dhar)
bathe the Lord in water containing eight types of seeds: barley, wheat, wild rice, sesame, millet, rice paddy, panic seed, and rice which grows in sixty days
….bathe the Deities with Gandhodaka-snana
bathe the Lord in water mixed with scents such as musk and aguru
….bathe the Deities with - Urshodaka-snana
bathe the Lord with warm water
….bathe Deities with protective waters from Sudarshan homa
three Kumbha/kalasha each Deity - (best is 8 pots)
([ideally pots should hold 12 liters each])
….bathe Deities with Sahasra-dhara seva – with water using sahasra-dhara
Sotariya Vaastram – offering cloth – change out of wet set: (screen)
idam sotAriya vaastram - sotAriya vaastram samArpayAmi
Tilakam – marking the Deity with auspicious signs and symbols:
idam tilakam - tilakam samArpayAmi
Upavatam – sacred thread:
idam upAvatam - upAvatam samArpayAmi
Abharanam – Alankaram:
idam abhAranam - abhAranam samArpayAmi
Malyam - garland:
idam malyam - malyam samArpayAmi
Gandam – sandalwood paste:
esha gandhah - gandhah samArpayAmi
Sugandham Pushpam – flower petals dipped in sandalwod paste:
idam sugandham pushpam – sugandham pushpam samArpayAmi
Tulasi Patram – Tulasi leaves:
etAt TulAsi pAtram - TulAsi pAtram samArpayAmi
Dhupa - incense:
esha dhupah - dhupah samArpayAmi
Deepa - lamps:
esha deepah - deepah samArpayAmi
Naivedyam - Paniyam:
idam naivedyAm – naivedyam subham astu samArpayAmi
idam pAniyam - pAniyam samArpayAmi
om pranaya svaha (prana mudra)
om apanaya svaha (apana mudra)
om vyanaya svaha (vyana mudra)
om udanaya svaha (udana mudra)
om samanaya svaha (samana mudra)
om brahmaye svaha
om Amrito pAstrAnamAsi - Amrito pAstrAnamAsi samArpayAmi
chant mantras to guru:
nama om vishnu padaya……..
namo mahavadanaya……
namo brahmanya devaya……
jaya sri krishna chaitanya……
hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare,
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
First line of the Gayatri mantra:
Om bhur bhuvah swah tat savitur………
om Amrito peedAnamAsi - Amrito peedAnamAsi samArpayAmi
Tambulam – betal, cloves, cardamom, rock candy, churnas, suparis:
idam tambulam - tambulam samArpayAmi
Sarvam – conclusion – whilst ringing the bell
(4 everything & everything lacking:
idam sarvAm - sarvAm samArpayAmi
Darpanam - show mirror
Namam – offering with Harer Nama:
hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare
hare rAma hare rAma rAma rAma hare hare
Sthapanam – final placement of Deities in Griha garbha
Radha-Krishna Gayatri (Times 10)
Srim Klim Radha Krishna Govindaya Gopijanaballabaya Namah
Om Narayanaya Vidmahi Vasudevaya Dimahi
Tanno Visnuh Pracodayat (X 3 Times)
Om Mahalaxmis Ca Vidmahe Visnupatnis Ca Dhimahi
Tanno Laxmi Pracodayate (X 3 Times)
Om Tat Sat
Om Adya Krte 'smin Deva avahan Karmani
Yat Kincit Vaigunyam Jatam
Tad Dosa Prasamanaya
Sri Visnu Smaranam Aham Karomi
"To alleviate any fault which may have been committed in the ceremony of installing the Deity, I now perform Visnu smaranam."
Aparadha kshama:
(allaying faults):
All the rules of puja are formed to prevent one from committing offense to the Lord. If one breaks a rule and commits offense the first remedial measure is to beg forgiveness for the offense with a sincere heart.
As a safeguard, one should in conclusion beg pardon for any unintentional offense (intentional offense is out of the question for one who is initiated) as the final means of accruing success from the puja.
To free oneself from offense one can also bath in the yamuna at mathura and serve the Lord there; study a chapter of Bhagavad Gita every day; worship salagrama sila with tulasi leaves, read verses glorifying tulasi on dvadasi while staying awake all night; and mark oneself with the weapons of visnu and then worship the Lord.
The priest turns to the fire or the Deity and says:
om ajnatam tad anajnatam
yajnasya kriyate mithu
visno tad asya kalpaya
tvam hi vettha yatha tatham svaha
"Oh Vishnu, rectify whatever was performed wrongly, consciously or unconsciously, in this sacrifice. Understand our sincere intention and take care of that."
The priest then recites aloud :
om prajapate visno na tvat etani anyo
visva jatani parita babhuva
yat kamah te jahumah tat no 'stu
vayam svamah patayo rayinam svaha
"Oh Vishnu, master of all creatures, there is no one besides You. The Lord has encompassed everything. With desires we have sacrificed unto You. May those desires be fulfilled. May we become the masters of spiritual wealth."
mantra-hinam kriya-hinam
bhakti-hinam janardana
yat pujitam maya deva
paripurnam tad astu me
"O my Lord, O Janardana, whatever little puja or worship that has been performed by me, although it is without devotion, without proper mantras and without the proper performance, please let that become complete."
yad-dattam bhakti-matrena
patram puspam phalam jalam
aveditam nivedyan tu
tan grhananukampaya
"What has been offered with devotion, the leaf, the flower, the water, the fruit, the foodstuff, which has been offered, please, out of Your causeless mercy, accept it."
vidhi-hinam mantra-hinam
yat kincid upapaditam
kriya-mantra-vihinam va
tat sarvam ksantum arhasi
"Whatever has happened without the proper chanting of the mantra, or without following the proper procedure, kindly forgive all that."
ajnanad athava jnanad
asubham yan maya krtam
ksantum arhasi tat sarvam
dasyenaiva grhana mam
sthitih seva gatir yatra
smrtis cinta stutir vacah
bhuyat sarvatmana visno
madiyam tvayi cestitam
"Whatever inauspicious things I have done out of ignorance or unknowingly, please forgive that and accept me as Your insig-nificant servant. Let my normal condition be service; let my movement be holy pilgrimage; let my thought be remembrance of You; let my words be glorification of You. O Visnu, let my activities, with my whole mind and body and soul, be engaged in You."